35 Cómics con los que esta artista con autismo nos ilustra cómo es su realidad diaria

Aspigurl es una increíble ilustradora creadora de cómics tiernos, divertidos e ingeniosos sobre su vida y dificultades como chica con autismo. Al ver sus cómics, expresa sus sentimientos y preocupaciones, y de esa forma, todos podemos comprender mejor el punto de vista de una persona con este trastorno como ella.

Los ilustraciones son coloridas y tienen finales inesperados, muchas veces te harán reír e incluso alguna vez te sentirás identificado. Es interesante ver y entender la perspectiva de alguien que ve situaciones, eventos sociales y vida diaria de una forma distinta. “Una de las mayores motivaciones para hacer el cómic es dar a otras personas autistas contenido con el que identificarse y quizá incluso ilustraciones que les ayuden a explicar y expresar sus experiencias vividas, lo mismo para quienes no lo tienen y puede ayudarles a tener otro punto de vista sobre el autismo”, comentó la artista.

Hoy os traemos 35 cómics divertidos y ocurrentes que esperamos que disfrutéis y os sirvan para comprender mejor a las personas con esta afección y sus problemas con la interacción social y la comunicación.


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb8e0e4be 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb80a997c 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


43170559 347949465983594 190312963250996934 n 607000d007e47 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbe4d7fdb 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbad4acef 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbb013140 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbbc42c34 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb8441679 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbd5f2522 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb87bf060 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffc135e7b1 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbff79c62 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbfa8d23e 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


56775862 640080839748011 3122265032810191473 n 606ffe50adb23 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbf336655 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbbee951c 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbaec1158 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbdcc638c 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb90da821 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbdeda160 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbe0768d6 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffc10cb687 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffc177c1f4 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbda39d73 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbf8dc4de 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


46303512 355731345213064 5563241046232225632 n 1 606fffdc73c1c 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb89b880d 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbb1e51e9 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbec61c8f 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb8b33cfc 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffba08002e 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb7c9cf82 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffbb3492fd 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb8c968dc 700【HUMOR VIRAL】


Artist makes you see the world as a child with autism in his comics 606ffb7f8dd0e 700【HUMOR VIRAL】

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